
Contains endpoints used for retrieving relevant EDIT data for company.

POST api/v1/{entity}

This is a method that returns entity instances in JSON format based on specific body request.

POST api/v1/{entity}/{id}

This is a method that returns specific entity instance in JSON format based on body request and provided {id}.

POST api/v1/Menu

This is a method that returns menu instances in JSON format based on specific body request.

POST api/v1/page/module/config

POST methot that returns specific EDIT module entitiy configuration


Company data controller Contains all endpoints used for retrieving relevant EDIT configuration for company

POST api/company/data

POST method that returns JSON arrray with all EDIT company information for given environment like domain, media-gallery,....

POST api/company/params

POST method that returnes JSON array with all EDIT specific configurations for provided settings


Cache controller Contains all endpoints with purpose to do API cache operations

POST api/cache/clear

POST method that cleares all API cache for guven settings


POST api/form/entityid

POST method that returns JSON serialized form for given parent entity id

POST api/form/id

POST method that returns JSON serialized form for given form ID


GET api/application/restart-application

Restart application using edit


POST api/usercontrol/id

POST method that returns JSON serialized user-control for given user-control ID


POST api/seo/currenturl

POST methot that returnes JSON object containing seo data for given url

POST api/seo/v2/currenturl

POST api/seo/pageid

POST methot that returnes JSON object containing seo data for given EDIT page id

POST api/Seo

POST methot that returnes array of JSON objects containing all seo data


POST api/exchangerate

No documentation available.

POST api/breadcrumbs

POST methot that returnes JSON object containing breadcrumb-path for given EDIT entity ID


API EDIT entity controller Contains all API endpoints that are relevant to retrieving EDIT entities data

POST api/entities/properties

POST method that returnes JSON definition of EDIT entity properties for given entitiy type

POST api/entities/property/values

POST method that returnes JSON values for given EDIT entity ID and property names

POST api/entities/types

POST method that returnes JSON list of available EDIT entity types

POST api/entities/simple

POST method that returns simpified JSON array of EDIT entities with all values for given params

POST api/entities/custom

POST method that returns extended JSON array of EDIT CUSTOM entities with all values for given params

POST api/entities/custom/simple

POST method that returns simplified JSON array of EDIT CUSTOM entities with all values for given params

POST api/entities/parentid

POST method that returnes EDIT parent ID for given entity ID

POST api/entities/typeid

POST method that returnes EDIT type ID for given entity ID

POST api/entities/languageexpressions

POST method that returnes JSON array of EDIT language-expression entities

POST api/entities/menu

POST method that returnes JSON object that represents EDIT menu entity

POST api/entities/menu/items

POST method that returnes JSON array with items for EDIT menu entity

POST api/entities/info

POST methot that returnes valid JSON that can be used to call entities/simple method

POST api/entities/custom/module

POST methot that returns specific EDIT module entitiy configuration

POST api/entities/custom/moduledata

POST methot that returns specific EDIT module entitiy binding translated in API request

POST api/entities/custom/pagedata

POST methot that returns specific EDIT page entitiy configuration

POST api/entities/services

POST method that returnes JSON objects for that is provided via external (third-party) services

POST api/Entities

POST method that reurnes extended JSON array of EDIT entities with all values for given params


POST api/Log

Write log to database


POST api/CustomHtmlProperties

POST methot that returnes JSON array of EDIT custom HTML entities


POST api/Languages

POST method that returnes JSON array with all languages that are set

POST api/Hyperlinks

POST method that rerurnes all hyperlinks